About Ugaspa
The University of Georgia Student Personnel Association (UGASPA) is a student-led organization that serves as a social and educational group for student affairs students, faculty, and staff. This group also helps facilitate the College Student Affairs Administration (CSAA) master’s degree program orientation that is designed to assist the adjustment process for new students entering the program. Throughout the year, additional social and educational events (such as brown bag lunches with speakers from the student affairs professional staff) are promoted, sponsored, and coordinated by UGASPA. In addition, The Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs, a joint publication of GCPA and UGASPA provides an excellent opportunity for the possible publication of student papers.
Membership and active involvement in UGASPA carries with it the following benefits:
Membership and active involvement in UGASPA carries with it the following benefits:
- Opportunity to acquire leadership and other professionally valuable experiences directly applicable to future careers
- Opportunity to help build and enrich the student-faculty community within the Program
- Demonstration of a commitment to the field and professional colleagues
- Opportunity to develop meaningful social and personal relationships with fellow students, especially those who do not share classes, and faculty
- Opportunity to network with student affairs practitioners